Home Multimedia The Charlatan visits the 65th annual tulip festival The Charlatan visits the 65th annual tulip festival By Multimedia Editor - June 1, 2018 341 Ottawa’s annual tulip festival hosted 650,000 people this year. RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR Archives Editorial: Carleton is disrespecting precariously employed contract instructors and students — again Multimedia CUDC – Carleton University Dance Crew Multimedia Carleton University Mourns the Loss of Two Community Members in Tehran Plane Crash 3,000FansLike1,100FollowersFollow4,000FollowersFollow1,500SubscribersSubscribe Ottawa overcast clouds enter location -0.7 ° C 0.1 ° -2.1 ° 79 % 3.6kmh 100 % Sun -1 ° Mon 2 ° Tue 2 ° Wed 0 ° Thu 1 °