RE: “Sick students isolated,” Nov. 5-11, 2009

Dear Editor,

I am disappointed to read that a patient visiting Carleton’s Health and Counselling Services felt the clinic was “disorganized.” Patient volume has risen and wait times have increased somewhat, but we ensure severe cases are treated on a priority basis and that the potential for the spread of illness is limited.

For example, if an asthmatic student arrives and has difficulty breathing, another student may be asked to vacate an exam/treatment room to allow the sicker student to be assessed and treated first.

We are also making every effort to keep the sickest students out of the waiting room. However, on days when volume is particularly high, students are returned to the waiting area until there is a room available for a physician to see them.

We are following all the directives from Ottawa Public Health to protect and help our patients.

Please be assured that we can provide the care and advice members of the

Carleton community may need.

Maureen Murdock, director,
Health & Counselling Services,
Carleton University