Many of you probably don't know (or care) what CASG stands for. For the uninformed, it's the Carleton Academic Student Government.
They advise on things like, “Should ECON 1000 be a prerequisite for a poli-sci degree?” and such.

Right now is CASG election time — the only time for most of us to vote on anything CASG related at all.

You see, it used to be that sometime in the winter semester we would log on to computers and vote for the next year's CASG executive. But two years ago, the CASG representatives (the people we're in the process of electing now) went and changed the rules.

Now, only CASG reps vote for the executive. Oh, and in order to run for certain executive spots, you have to be a CASG rep too.

It's hard to imagine a shadier, shoddier backroom system that could have been put in place.

If you think it doesn't matter, don't forget that CASG executives get plenty of perks in the form of honorariums.

OK, so they took away the student body's right to vote for execs. It can't get any worse, right? Well, when the Carleton University Students’ Association (CUSA) council comes back, one of the motions before it is whether or not to give CASG a voting seat on CUSA.

The irony is delicious.

The people who took away votes suddenly want one.