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Name:  Ryan Marshall
Third-year linguistics
Position running for:
FASS councillor
Why are you running for CUSA council?
I think traditionally students have lost a lot of faith in their students’ association by taking radical stances on controversial issues which students are divided on. That ain’t right. We should represent all our constituents.
What do you think makes you a good candidate?
I am currently sitting as FASS councillor and am seeking re-election. I have volunteered for orientation week for the past three years welcoming new Ravens to the best school they could have chosen. I am also a club president and a representative for the school of Linguistics and Language studies for CASG.
What are two things you hope to achieve if elected?

1. Increase student engagement.
2. Increase OC Transpo service, specifically bring back the 117!
What’s one fun fact about yourself?

I speak Mandarin Chinese.