
Editor’s Note: An earlier version of this article included mention of RRRA president Hyder Naqvi saying the Twitter hack took place. Naqvi was not interviewed on the record, and mention of him has been rescinded. The Charlatan regrets the error.


Over the Christmas break, the Rideau River Residence Association (RRRA) was the target of a cyber-hack attack, where a series of Donald Trump tweets were retweeted on their twitter account.

Two tweets by president-elect Donald Trump were retweeted by the official RRRA account on the morning of Dec. 21. The retweets were quickly removed the next day.

“There are only a select number of trusted people who have access to the account, and the tweets that were made do not at all line up with the views or actions of [RRRA],” said Emily D’Orazio, the association’s social media coordinator.

The first retweet read “We should tell China that we don’t want the drone they stole back.- let them keep it!”, followed by “We did it! Thank you to all of my great supporters, we just officially won the election (despite all of the distorted and inaccurate media).”

The retweets were the only damage done by the hacking, and it is still not clear who was behind the hack and what their motive was.

“I personally did a sweep of our accounts to ensure there were no direct messages that were sent or replies that were made, and it doesn’t appear that anything else on our twitter or other accounts have been compromised in any way,” D’Orazio said.

An account logout was done shortly after the hack, which logged out all devices that had access to RRRA’s twitter account. D’Orazio said the password for their twitter account has also been changed.