After a long battle with cancer, Carleton student Rodrigo Pereira passed away Aug. 5.

Pereira, a third-year international business student from Brazil, was diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma, a rare form of cancer that typically targets young adults.

“Rally for Rodrigo,” a Carleton group founded to raise funds for Pereira’s treatment, organized a memorial for him on campus Aug. 9. Family and friends, as well as students and supporters of Pereira and the group, gathered to pay him tribute.

The memorial was held by the River Building. It included balloons where students could write messages to honour Pereira and a book for condolences.

“This is an opportunity for us to celebrate and share Rodrigo’s life and the impact he had on us,” stated the event’s Facebook page.

A donation box was also placed at the memorial, where students were able to fund the event and contribute to any funeral or medical expenses Pereira’s family has to pay.