Carleton business students heading to the polls for Feb. 10-11 will have an additional pertinent issue on the ballot, as the Sprott Business Students’ Society (SBSS) is proposing a referendum question to increase the levy on its members from $15 to $45.
The increase is designed to maintain and improve the capacity and competitiveness of the SBSS, according to current director of external relations Brian Mason.
“The lack of funds are the primary reason for the referendum,” said Mason, the president-elect of SBSS. “We are trying to put our fees in line with other business students’ societies in the country, like the University of British Columbia, which charges a lot more than us, at $250 per member.”
The SBSS is responsible for hosting activities and events for Carleton business students such as the Business Banquet, the CASE **WTF** competition and small social get-togethers like ski trips.
Mason said is the referendum question is approved, some of the new money will refill the coffers of the society’s Student Conference Fund, which financially supports Sprott students attending important external events.
The new money will also be used to support the organization’s academic events, according to Mason, as well as to revamp the society’s website and other areas of concern.
Some Carleton business students are optimistic about the possibility of more funds for the SBSS.
“I don’t mind paying more,” says second-year commerce student Daniel Osland. “If it’s going to support my department.”
Osland’s positive sentiment is echoed by some of his peers who hope the extra cash will bring upon improvements for the program.
“I’m really enthusiastic about [the possibility of more funds for the SBSS],” said first-year international business student Erin Peck. “With a larger budget, we could contribute more to the school community and boost [Sprott’s] reputation across the country.”