It could take many years to find success in the music industry of today. But Toronto alt-rockers Modern Space managed to get their name out and their songs spinning on Canadian rock radio stations in less than four years.

Modern Space is signed to Warner Music Canada, and they’re currently in the middle of touring and working on new music. The Charlatan caught up with lead singer Sean Graham and Tay Ewart to find out more about what they’re up to.

The Charlatan (TC): Can you tell us the story about how you guys came to be?

Sean Graham (SG): We all played in bands growing up in high school. We were living in Newmarket and we all had different projects, we’d play together, come to shows. We moved to Toronto, and I was just walking down the street and bumped into one of the VPs at Warner Music Canada. I kind of bugged him like, “Hey, listen to my band,” and he actually did, and he came and saw us play at our apartment . . . He gave us another shot and was like, “It was good, but you could probably do things a bit better,” and two weeks later, we played for him again at a rehearsal factory and (he) was like, “I want to work with you guys.” That kind of solidified Modern Space as a serious project. We started writing music and took it on the road.

TC: How would you guys describe your music to a new listener?

SG: I think just fast, fun, energetic indie rock. Lots of melodies, alternative lyrics.

Tay Ewart (TE): It’s kind of like indie garage rock that you can kind of groove to, and you’ll probably also get it stuck in your head at some point.

TC: Who are some of your influences?

SG: I think we all have different influences. I think the biggest for me would be the Vaccines, Kings of Leon. The Strokes were a big one and The Doors.

TE: Yeah I would have to agree with that, like The Strokes. More so now, I think The Growlers are a big one for us, we really like that band.

TC: Mentioning that you’ve done university shows, have you done Carleton University yet?

TE: I think we did. I think we played Carleton with Lights.

SG: That was one of our first shows too. It was outside at the parking lot, everyone yelled, “What the fuck’s a Gee-Gee?” . . . It was really fun too. The crowd was really into it. Lights played an amazing set, and we just got to hang out and see the university.

TC: Can you tell me a bit about the two singles you’ve got out right now?

SG: Yeah, so “Just Quit” we released in February. It was a kind of like a re-introduction to the band. It was one of my favourite songs on the record. It’s really fast, super fun. It’s about almost being too over confident and how that can kind of cloud your judgment, complacency can be a silent killer. That was the first release, and then the new one, “Flip For It,” we’re really excited about. We worked on it with the previous producer from our EP, whereas “Just Quit” we did in New York with Gus van Go. “Flip For It” we did in Toronto. It’s kind about just the city getting divided after a break-up. Who are the friends going to side with? Will they go with the girl? Will they go with the guy? Your favourite bar that you always hang out [at], she’s always there. The tough parts of a long relationship coming to an end that you might not think of right off the bat, then you always see them. Toronto, as much as it’s a big city, it’s still kind of small.

TE: Both of these singles are a great way to introduce the record we’re going to put out soon. “Just Quit” is more of the indie rock, kind of faster, heavier part of the record, and “Flip For It” showcases more of an alternative sound and poppier side of the record. So, there’s kind of a bit of both on the whole record and those are the best showcasing songs.

TC: What else can we expect from that new record?

TE: There’s a bunch of songs, great lyrics by Sean. They’re all stuff that’ll make you think, and that’ll make you groove and sing along. It’s more rocky than the old stuff, which I think we’re all stoked about. But, there’s still some of those pop bangers on there that will definitely make you sing along.

TC: Anything else you want to talk about? Things that are coming up with you guys?

SG: We just shot a new music video for “Flip For It.” It’s really cool, kind of performance-based, really trippy, moody lighting that’s contrasted over 50s style dancers.

TE: Yeah, there’s the music video. We don’t have a date for the record yet, but that’s the main thing next: