More than 550 students in residence were without water after a water pipe burst near the O-Train station at roughly 11 a.m. Sept. 29.

The intersection of Campus Avenue and Library Road has been taped off and buses have been rerouted to the bus stop outside the Athletics Building.

Water was shut off in Prescott and Renfrew residences as a result of the break.

“It is an inconvenience because I can’t use the bathroom now,” first-floor Prescott resident Irene Kakai said.

“One of our floormates went to go have a shower in the gym,” Kakai said.

Kyle Zavitz, a third-floor Renfrew rez fellow, said, “I was talking to the cleaning ladies and they said [the water] would probably be back on at 1:00 in the afternoon.

A construction worker on site said, “We have to wait for the gas guy and the electricians to mark the ground so that we know where to dig or where not to dig.”

According to the Carleton Residence website, there currently are 400 students living in Prescott and 168 students in Renfrew House.

It is estimated that repairs will take between 15-24 hours to complete, according to facilities management and planning.