After just three days of online classes at Carleton University due to the COVID-19 pandemic, students are already voicing concerns over the grading system for the 2020 winter term.

“In light of the suspension of lectures, as well as the enormous disruptions to everyday life due to the progression of the COVID-19 pandemic, I am calling on Carleton University to give students the option to be graded on a pass/fail basis for their Winter 2020 courses,” reads a petition created by an account under the name “Concerned Student” on March 19.

As of March 21, just two days after the petition originated, over 1,500 people have signed—surpassing the petition’s original goal and raising the bar to 2,500 signatures.

Although pass-fail options are standard for some courses at Carleton, it has never before been an option for all courses—but it has happened elsewhere.

The University of Alberta implemented a pass-fail grading system in light of COVID-19’s disruptions to classes on March 20, which sparked a student petition—this time, in favour of alphabetical grading—to be created.

“This change will erase the hard work of students who have exerted their intellectual might all semester to achieve their desired mark,” wrote Ethan Kreiser, the creator of the University of Alberta student petition.

McGill University also changed its grading system to include a satisfactory or unsatisfactory grading option on March 20, to be available based on student preference. 

McGill’s website says the option is being provided due to “exceptional circumstances” and can be exercised until May 22, so that students can know their final grade before making the decision.

Although there has been no word on whether Carleton University will follow other Canadian universities by implementing a pass-fail option, students are still posting online to try to change administration’s mind.

“Doing so will ensure that students who are struggling with uncertainty will not be disproportionately negatively impacted by factors beyond their control,” the Carleton University student petition reads. “[T]he implementation of the suggested policy would be especially beneficial for those who are struggling with the accessibility of online lectures.”

Signees of the Carleton University petition have also taken to the comment section to plead for the change.

Regardless of my personal ability to maintain my studies, I know many in our community are facing extraordinary challenges for their own, and I believe that Carleton needs to further recognize the needs of its community in these trying times,” reads a comment posted on March 20.

“As a secondary teacher, I am very concerned with how all students will finish off their year,” reads another comment from March 20. “This seems like an equitable solution.”

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