(Group of guys are talking amongst themselves—one has brought his girlfriend along)
Girlfriend: You are only friends with these guys because they agree with you on everything you say.
Boyfriend: You are wrong. . . (to his friends) Am I right?
Guys: Yeah!
(While waiting for the bus)
Girl: You know that Haddaway song, “What is Love?” What is love, anyways?
Guy: Something that’ll most likely end up costing me half of everything I’ll ever own.
(At the library)
Guy 1: So, did you talk to your girlfriend about her annoying laugh like I said?
Guy 2: Yes, I did.
Guy 1: And?
Guy 2: That was a week ago and my nipples are still sore. Thanks, jackass.
Guy: Let’s go behind the library and make out.
Girl: Ew… (pauses) OK!
(While waiting for the bus)
Guy: Hey, I was thinking…
Girl: (Interrupting) I told you, now that we are dating, you don’t have to do that anymore.
Guy: (Sigh) OK.
Girl: I’m totally a martyr, I show my boobs and drink your beer.
(Eating an orange)
Girl: Oh wow, this is taking me on a whirlwind here.
Girl 1: When I look at a building with a lot of glass panels, I feel cold.
Girl 2: I know what you mean. But, sometimes although it may make you feel cold, you will actually feel warm.
Girl 1: Oh yeah, like, when I’m in the building and there’s, like, heat.
Girl: When someone is throwing up everywhere and they are still hot, then you know they’re hot!
(Girl waiting for the bus)
Girl: I like living in Canada. In the States I would be just another hot girl.
(Leaving the gym)
Guy: I feel stronger!
(Guy puts camera lens cap in backpocket and sits down)
Guy: It’s not very comfortable, but I guess that’s where it goes.
Girl: That’s what she said.
(Friends discussing a group project)
Student 1: This equation, this reasoning, everything is so utterly stupid. You’ve got to change it.
Student 2: (frustrated) Why don’t you make me?
Student 1: It’s on, bitch!