Taryn Lloyd, Eric Turcotte, Ryan Seangio, Christopher Seguin, and Chris Gillen
The Chief Electoral Officer has found you to be in violation of the Consolidated Electoral
Code Section 12.1 and 12.7:
“12.1 Campaigning shall be defined as the process of distributing, advertising,
exhibiting,presenting, broadcasting, soliciting, or making any sign or gesture so as to
exhort or convince any member of the Association to support by ballot or any other
means, any candidate in an election, by-election, recall, or referendum. Advertising is
interpreted to include any type of publicity that directly promotes or opposes the election
of a candidate.”
12.7 All campaign material shall be submitted first for approval of the CEO. Approval of
the CEO shall be denoted by a stamp of the Office of the CEO, which shall appear on all
material. The CEO shall refuse any item if, in the opinion of the CEO, the material
contravenes the CUSA Constitution, is libellous, or if the material does not clearly
identify its originator(s).”
As such, you are being served with a verbal warning for the No campaign on Referendum
Question 1 for the creation of the group “Carleton Students Against the Mandatory
Should you wish to appeal this ruling, please submit to the Elections Office your appeal
in writing.