Former President Donald Trump and former VP Mike Pence. [Photo via History in HD/Unsplash]

The events of July 13, 2024 have a chance to alter the politics of the United States and the world forever, as they may have boosted Donald Trump’s chances of serving another presidential term.

The near-miss for Trump has enhanced his presidential prospects by transforming him into a symbol of resilience and strength — akin to a similar phenomenon President Ronald Reagan experienced in the 1980s.

Trump stood on an improvised stage near Butler, Pa., rallying backing for his 2024 White House bid attired in his customary suit and tie, along with his trademark red M.A.G.A. hat.

Suddenly, a barrage of bullets flew toward Trump in rapid succession. The Republican presidential nominee clutched the right side of his head and dropped to the ground, swiftly surrounded by Secret Service agents who urged him to remain down.

Other agents returned fire on the assailant, positioned on a nearby rooftop, killing him.

After about 30 seconds, Trump, blood streaming down his face from a grazing bullet wound to his ear, instructed his agents to assist him up. He raised his arm and shouted “fight!” amid a thunderous cheer from startled supporters.

The already iconic image of the controversial Trump standing before the American flag, bloodied but undeterred, is currently the most famous photo in the world – even making the most recent cover of TIME Magazine.

This photograph epitomises 21st-century image politics unlike any other.

In contrast, consider the images from President Biden‘s current campaign. The first presidential debate of the election season likely comes to mind — mouth agape, eyes staring into the distance — portraying him as aged and fatigued.

The debate took a toll on Biden’s polling numbers, leaving him trailing Trump by a few percentage points.

Expect this gap to widen.

In 1981, President Reagan was shot and wounded by John Hinckley Jr., who sought to impress a Hollywood actress by killing the commander-in-chief.

Reagan made a full recovery, and shortly after the near-death experience, his approval rating surged from the low 60s to the high 70s.

Expect a similar trend for Trump.

Already, on social media platforms, some supporters are describing the close call as divine intervention, suggesting that God protected Trump. The 78-year-old can embrace this idea, suggesting that he was destined to survive and win the upcoming election. He could be seen by supporters as invincible.

An example of Trump’s newfound support is on display as a notable number of people in San Francisco were wearing M.A.G.A. hats the day after the assassination attempt.

Furthermore, with the Republican National Convention now underway, Trump made an unsurprisingly dramatic entrance, wearing a bandage on his ear and receiving a raucous ovation. The BBC’s Nada Tawfik, in Milwaukee, remarked that attendees seem more with Trump now than ever.

Surviving by a mere centimetre, Trump’s display of resilience contrasts sharply with perceptions of Biden as old and disengaged, potentially bolstering the Republican candidate’s electoral prospects.

In 1984, just three years after Reagan endured a bullet wound to the lung, he secured an astounding 525 out of 538 electoral votes and a historic 58.8 per cent of the popular vote in that year’s election – the largest landslide victory in American history.

Could Reagan’s resilience and survival of an assassination attempt have contributed to his overwhelming win?

It’s likely that Mr. Trump will benefit from the same stroke of fortune.

Featured image via History in HD/Unsplash.