RE: “Registration reminders are junkmail,” June 30-July 27, 2011
In his letter, Eli Burbidge made some points about the lack of need for sending our registration reminder postcards to all incoming and returning students.
The registration postcards serve an important purpose by informing returning students about key registration dates, contacts and new information or changes to the registration process in the upcoming registration period.
It is also the only paper based communication we have with returning students after they have left campus in the spring.
For our incoming students, we do everything we can to ensure that they feel comfortable registering for the first time. Along with the paper-based material, we also have a number of other programs to help all our students with the registration process, including the recently launched Student Registration Assistance Team.
We know that registration is a stressful time for students who are worried about getting classes that allow them to have a manageable timetable and we take action to alleviate as much of this stress as we can by making sure they have all the information they require about registration.
While it may be true that some students discard their postcard because they feel comfortable enough with the registration process having gone through it before, many students may not feel as confident and appreciate these reminders and informational updates.
—Lisa Ralph,
Associate University Registrar