Carleton Ravens women’s hockey forward Tawnya Guindon recently finished her fifth and final season with the team.

Guindon was named captain of the women’s hockey team ahead of the 2015-16 season, and wore the ‘C’ on her jersey for two years.

Over the course of her time at Carleton, Guindon racked up 18 goals and 25 assists, and played in 79 regular season games.

The Charlatan spoke with Guindon about her thoughts on her time as a Raven, as well as her plans once she graduates.

The Charlatan (TC): What has been your most memorable moment playing for the Ravens?

Tawnya Guindon (TG): I’d have to say last year when we beat McGill, just because of the historical statistics about Carleton not being able to beat McGill throughout the years, and being able to make history and actually beat them was a pretty memorable memory for me, especially doing it with my teammates that were there with me.

TC: You were captain for two seasons—what has that meant to you?

TG: It’s been a true honour, I never thought I’d even play university hockey to start off, and once I made it, it was a pretty good feeling, but to be named captain for two years in a row I can’t even describe how good it makes me feel. The girls that have been on my team have made it very easy for me to be captain, I’ve had no issues whatsoever, and I just try to lead by example, so it’s been a true honour for sure.

TC: What will you miss most about Carleton and your time as a Raven?

TG: I’m gonna miss most being part of the Raven family, like honestly, being part of the team is nice and you feel like you’re part of an even bigger family when you put in all the sports together, and it’s just gonna be different not having that name attached to you. I think that’s what I’m gonna miss the most, being part of the Ravens.

TC: Do you think you’ll continue to be involved in hockey?

TG: Yes, I’m actually looking into going to play in Europe, professional hockey, so I’m in the process of that right now and hopefully in a month or so I’ll be signed with a team. That’s my future goal.

TC: How do you think your final season went?

TG: My final season was probably my best one in my five years, points-wise. Also, it was probably the best team we’ve had since I’ve been there, and I have a lot of great friends and great memories from this year. Hockey-wise, just playing with Delaney Ross, we had a really good connection. I had a great year this year.

– Graphic by Christophe Young