A red-and-white “Welcome Home Ravens” sign greeted Carleton University students making their way back to campus during residence move-in over the Labour Day weekend.
Emblematic of Carleton’s back-to-school spirit, “Pop that trunk!” chants filled the air as students, families and move-in facilitators hauled boxes and bins out of vehicles and into Carleton’s 11 residence buildings. Red-vested residence fellows sat at tables outside, ready to meet new and returning students.
Nearly 3,500 students are expected to live on campus this fall, according to Carleton’s Housing and Residence Life Services.
In the residence quad, volunteers from the Carleton University Students’ Association, Rideau River Residence Association, Unified Support Centre and Housing and Residence Life sat under tents, shielded from the sun.
Volunteers chatted with students walking by, informing them about campus resources, like the Food Centre and Foot Patrol Services, and upcoming activities, including Frosh Week.
Featured image by Maia Tustonic.