"My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" — Jesus Christ For some reason while I was writing my midterm exam on Christianity, I had this quotation stuck in my head. It was so distracting; I was trying to finish my exam quickly, so I had to write this line down over and over again on a piece of paper.

And on the bus, it was still in my head, repeating itself, with vivid images of Jesus on the cross (thankssss The Passion of the Christ!) "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" (Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34) This was one of the last words Jesus said before dying on the cross. I’m very confused by it.

He is questioning God, but he IS GOD according to the Christians. Did he separate Godself from God and question God? Was he in so much pain that he separated Godself from God? The Christians made it clear, though: He is God himself! So is he questioning himself? But God is so infinite beyond our understanding, there is nothing for him to question, nothing for him to doubt.

The world is like a ball, and he holds it in his hands, no before or after, past or present; it’s all in his hands right before him! Why is Jesus asking this question then? This just makes me believe that Jesus was a prophet, an extraordinary prophet who submitted to God before he died. He must have been in such excruciating pain that he had to ask God for salvation. Imagine that! I am truly in awe.

I kind of wish Muslims could study more of other prophets other than Prophet Mohammad. Granted, I know Prophet Mohammad has a special place in Islam, but how many of us really know about Jesus and his sermons?

I’m sorry if I offended anybody with my thoughts. As you can tell, I just finished my Christianity midterm, but I still have a lot to learn. I am genuinely curious about this quotation and what Christians think about it. I would love for anyone to explain it to me. Salaam.