Graduate students voted overwhelmingly in favour of a summer U-Pass on Feb. 24 and 25 in the Graduate Students’ Association (GSA) U-Pass referendum.

The results were 78 per cent in favour, with 22 per cent against and three students spoiling their ballots. The voter turnout was 13.5 per cent.

GSA president Michael Bueckert said the voter turnout in the referendum was around 13 per cent, which is more than double the quorum of six per cent.

“We’re fairly happy with the turnout considering we don’t use electronic ballots and that the two voting days had terrible weather,” Bueckert said. “We’re quite happy with those numbers.”

The U-Pass will apply to all graduate students registered as full-time in the summer semester.

Bueckert said most graduate students are registered full-time unless they get permission to register as a part-time student, and can be either taking classes or doing research and working on their theses.

Bueckert said he is pleased the referendum passed because it makes transit more accessible.

“The U-Pass is a great program that [the Carleton University Students’ Association] and the GSA have been fighting for,” Bueckert said. “It makes transit a lot more affordable for graduate students.”

The U-Pass has an opt-out option for students living outside OC Transpo service areas and costs $196.90 for the summer semester, which is the same as fall and winter semester rates.