Gentleman Reg will be at Pressed on Dec. 1, as part of his Leisure Life tour. (Photo provided)

Canadian indie-rock singer Reg Vermue finds escape in his life through Regina the Gentlelady. Guelph-raised Vermue said that when he first starting doing drag, he feared that no one would recognize him. In spite of this concern, he enjoys his alter-ego.

“It’s absolutely an escape, and freeing on so many levels,” Vermue said.

“She’s a real girl. I like to call my drag ‘real-girl drag.’ It’s less over-the-top and less Vegas, and more hot-girl-next-door — maybe even more of a rocker chick.”

Vermue is bringing a modern, evolved sound to his new three-part record Leisure Life, as Gentleman Reg.

“I challenge myself. This record specifically sounds really different, it was a conscious decision,” Vermue said.

“I felt like I had made my indie-rock records and I wanted something with a little more polish and shine and accessibility to a greater audience.”

A self-taught musician, Vermue said he often struggles with the creation of his sound and bringing his vision to life. He said continues to persevere, and uses his strengths to move forward.

“I took a lot of musical lessons as a kid— piano, guitar, drums, saxophone, accordion— but I always quit them. That’s something that’s gone throughout my life,” he said.

“I’m pretty self-taught. I think of myself primarily as a vocalist and songwriter. I definitely didn’t learn those things.”

Spending most of his life in Toronto and Guelph, Vermue has been playing in bands since leaving university.

Gentleman Reg has had an admirable amount of attention and spotlight, but Vermue said he can’t help but feel ultimately unsatisfied.

“I have achieved a lot of things but sometimes you lose focus when you compare yourself too much to other people,” he said.

Vermue has made his fair share of mistakes and missteps. He said he does what he can in the moment, and tries not to spend too much time wallowing over small details.

“I don’t think I’ll ever be completely satisfied as an artist, because I don’t know if I’d want to make art in the same way.

With a surplus in Canadian musical exports in the past few years, Vermue shows pride to be within the Canadian music scene.

“There are so many amazing artists coming out of Canada, and the world is noticing, which makes it that much more exciting,” he said.

Regina the Gentlelady may have blossomed as a drag persona and an art, but Vermue is still waiting on his golden moment.

“There’s a song on this new record called “Waiting Around for Gold” . . . it’s one of my favourite songs that I’ve ever written,” Vermue said.

“We achieved it. That was a triumph for sure. It’s one thing to think of something, but to fully achieve exactly what you wanted is really exciting.”

Gentleman Reg will be bringing his Leisure Life tour to Ottawa at Pressed on Dec. 1.