The sin of pride will be consuming Gallery 101 in the Glebe during their seven-year fundraiser coming up in a little over a month, but an assistant with the facility said they should have something to be proud of considering the artist-run space is still going after 30 years in Ottawa.
Maxime Huneault, an administrative assistant with Gallery 101, said the Dec. 5 fundraiser will focus on one of the seven deadly sins as the theme to their art auction for the second consecutive year. He said last year’s theme of lust attracted quite a party to go along with the auction and featured burlesque shows, catering and assorted gift bags.
“It’s a fundraiser, so we put the fun back in it,” said Huneault. “It’s one of our major fundraisers for the gallery. We invite all artists, amateur and professional, to submit artwork. The auction starts at $25 and goes up from there. It can be drawings or photography. Last year, there were actual performances that would be sold.”
Huneault said he expects many artworks to exhibit gay pride, black pride or women’s pride, but assured that the pieces will be a bit more disturbed considering sin is involved.
“Of course gay pride will probably show up, but not just gay pride,” he said, adding that with the theme, the work “is more humorous and definitely darker.”
The gallery is offering up frames for any artist who would like to contribute, and a submitted piece of artwork automatically brings along a free ticket to the party which will feature music, drinks and food to go along with the auction.
The deadline for submissions is Nov. 23 and all funds raised will go to the keep-up of the gallery.
“We’re an artist-run centre, so we do not sell any artwork per se,” Huneault said. “We usually operate on grants for operating costs.”
“It’s our gallery’s 30th year of existence,” he added. “We just want to show our pride and to show ourselves off to the community.”