Kayla Calder offers a variety of activities for students under 19, as well as those just looking for some sober fun
Nobody’s a Monday fan, but they are the best night to do something fast-paced to keep from turning on autopilot.
Two words: Fun Junction.
There is nothing like a night of laser-tag and rock climbing for only $17.
Grab your U-Pass and head to the junction to jump-start the week with a laser gun.
Ride the O-Train to South Keys. Recruit friends or a cute floor-mate and go catch the latest Hollywood blockbuster for half-price.
Pig out on popcorn and root beer for only ten bucks.
Go ahead, forget about class while popcorn grease leaks out onto your jeans — and for cheap too.
Hump day. If first-year schedules are similar year after year, Wednesday’s will most likely be the longest of the week, and are good for night-studying, but only until nine o’clock.
After that, walk down to the Glebe to the Georgetown pub’s open-mic night.
Grab a basket of sweet-potato fries and listen to your fellow students belt it.
Whether the song leaves you clapping or crying, at least the night didn’t leave you sulking.
So you went out both Monday and Wednesday, and you are now too broke to do anything exciting.
This is the perfect night to learn from your city. The Museum of Civilization, the Nature Museum and the National Gallery are all free on Thursday nights.
Find yourself too broke to afford two nights in Hull, and want to save your booze money for Saturday?
Use Friday night to explore your amazing city. Take advantage of your U-pass, and head downtown. Everyone has done the daytime site-seeing, but little is more breathtaking than Parliament on a warm night.
Head over with a friend or date, and stay a while, people watching and keeping warm by the Centennial flame.
The night for Hull. Get together and prepare for a night of grinding, lineups and bathrooms. In the mood for beer? Hit up the laid-back pub, the Pele-Mele. If you’re looking for a dirty free-for-all, you want Le Bop.
Finally, if you want a drunken dance party, head to Addiction.
All-in-all, despite the fact that you may not remember Hull fondly, or at all in the future, it can be worth the 20 dollar cab-ride to get a little crazy with our city’s feisty neighbour.