Carleton will participate in the Africa Initiative Graduate Research Program this summer by hosting Prisca Kamungi, a doctoral student from the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa, according to a university press release.

Run by the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), the annual program offers a limited number of grants for Canadian doctoral students to spend time in African universities and PhD students in Africa to spend time in Canadian universities, said Carleton professor James Milner.

“We have been able to use this support from the Africa Initiative and CIGI to bring a very talented emerging scholar from South Africa to spend time here at Carleton,” Milner said.

When the call for proposals was sent out for the 2012 competition, Milner worked with colleagues at the University of Ottawa and the University of Witwatersrand to select and sponsor Kamungi, who they identified as a promising and talented student, Milner said.

“[Kamungi’s] research will focus on internal displacement in Kenya following the 2008 elections, and will be looking at resolution of internal displacement of those affected by post-election violence in Kenya,” Milner said.

“The real applied implications of her research is that it may move forward efforts to find a resolution to displaced populations in Kenya, and then if it can be applied to that context, it may also be applied to post-conflict situations in other African nations.”