The Charlatan’s Sally S. Ding talked to food science and nutrition professor Apollinaire Tsopmo about his recommendations on food supplements for students.
The Charlatan: How should people consume food supplements healthily?
Apollinaire Tsopmo: We all need to have enough of each nutrient to stay healthy and prevent or delay the development of chronic diseases. The role of vitamins and minerals in preventing nutrient deficiency diseases is well established. Eating according to the Health Canada Food Guide will provide most of us with the nutrients we need.
The fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, D and K) and water-soluble vitamins (C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12) are all essential vitamins, and we must get them from our diet.
TC: What should we avoid when consuming food supplements?
AT: There are some invalid reasons to take supplements, such as when you feel tired and believe the supplement can provide the extra energy, you wish to build muscle faster without exercise, or you fear that food grown on today’s soils lack nutrients. Look for the supplements that have been approved by Health Canada, which have an eight-digit Natural Product Number (NPN) on the labels.
TC: Do you have any food supplement recommendations for the stressed students during the exam period?
AT: You shouldn’t take any supplement during the exam period just because you believe they can relieve stress or provide energy. Consuming a balance diet will provide you with the extra energy you need.