Home Arts Film review: ‘Whiplash’

Film review: ‘Whiplash’



Directed by Damien Chazelle

Distributed by Sony Pictures

Little tip for adulthood: next time someone is working with you on a project or an assignment, throw a chair at their head. Yes, you heard me, throw a chair straight at their head.

Why? Because it’ll make them become great.

This is teacher Terrance Fletcher’s, played by J.K. Simmons, exact  method in Whiplash—to mentor students into becoming perfect musical machines. His methods include psychological, physical, and emotional abuse to coerce his students to become great music gods of their own. Doesn’t talent always come with a price? For his performance, Simmons has earned a best supporting actor nomination at the Oscars.

Damien Chazelle created this beautiful dramatic film in 2014 with limited release in theaters. Due to the lack of popularity, it took a while to uncover this diamond-in-the-rough masterpiece.

Andrew Neimann, played by Miles Teller, attends a prestigious musical academy where he hopes to be discovered. Once taken under Fletcher’s wing, Neimann believes his road to stardom is laid out in front of him. He could not be more wrong.

The young protégé learns the path to greatness is cold, bloody, and drenched in sweat. But a bloody drumset is the least of Fletcher’s worries. Throughout the lessons, Neimann begins to grow wary of whether his mentor wants him to achieve greatness or crash and burn.

Simmons’ depiction of Fletcher is a perfect portrayal of the demons that lay inside us when we want to succeed. A constantly-scolding voice convincing us we are not good enough to achieve, and the roar of anger and jealousy we subconsciously acquire that makes us drive past the pain, past the blood, sweat, and tears.

Whiplash does not disappoint and will blow your mind. This beautiful film deserves to be seen and its message will hit you like a chair. Heads up.