The Croods
Directed by Kirk DeMicco and Chris Sanders
Distributed by 20th Century Fox

DreamWorks presents a modern day adaptation of cavemen in their newest animated movie, The Croods. A young girl, Eep, longs to experience something new in life but her father, Grug, keeps Eep and her family sheltered out of fear that something new could be something dangerous. After experiencing an earthquake, Eep and her family are forced to relocate and experience different things lead by a strange, dashing boy named Guy. Voice talents include Nicolas Cage, Emma Stone, and Ryan Reynolds.

The aesthetics of the film are nothing to marvel over. They are what audiences can expect from a 2013 animated movie. However, the music provided by Alan Silvestri is both fitting to the images and beautiful for the audience to listen to. Silvestri’s music adds life to the movie while helping to carry the story.

The winning piece of the movie’s skeleton, however, is the character of Eep. A fluffy-haired redhead with unique facial characteristics and a built body, she was designed to physically match the strength of her personality, a rare quality in female animated characters. A genius piece of comic relief in the movie is Guy’s furry companion, Belt. He is both adorable and brings laughter to the audience.

The Croods is a splendid movie with a strong father-daughter message which is sure to touch parents and children of all ages.  It has an exciting plot which keeps you guessing what will happen. While it may not be completely original or a timeless classic in the making, it still brings you into a different world in which you lose yourself for a short while.