Home Arts Film review: Kingsman: The Secret Service

Film review: Kingsman: The Secret Service


Kingsman: The Secret Service

Directed by Matthew Vaughn

Distributed by 20th Century Fox

This is how all spy films should be done. Matthew Vaughn brings us a James Bond-esque film based on British comics Kingsman: The Secret Service and boy, does he do them justice.

With a brilliant cast featuring good guy Colin Firth and bad guy Samuel L. Jackson, this film simply has it all. From an adorable pug to a sexy amputee villain with blades as prosthetic legs, Kingsman deserves to be seen.

Colin Firth plays Harry Hart, Kingsman secret agent, who recruits Eggsy, a young delinquent played by Taron Egerton, whose street smarts have taken him down a bad path.

Living a life of petty crimes and drugs, Hart is set on training Eggsy to become part of the secret spy organization and get him on the right path.  Hart does an amazing demonstration of the spy life by using hidden poison daggers, an umbrella shield that also fires grenades and of course, proper etiquette to harm Eggsy’s enemies.

The antagonist of the film, ironically named Valentine, is played by Samuel L. Jackson, whose humour and added lisp make him a comical and entertaining contrast against Hart’s character.

It mixes Monty Python humour and Clockwork Orange violence with British etiquette, smart wits, and tasteful gore.

Kingsman is a perfect example of how simple yet entertaining a film can be. With the right cast, right plot, and right atmosphere, Kingsman becomes an uncomplicated but still amazing movie.

The only critiques that can come from a film like this is from the light hearted and squeamish crowds. Vaughn follows British humour and violence to the nines, showing you every slice and every blood drop in this film. With a super villain trying to speed up humanity’s process of self-destruction, there’s going to be some blood.

Vaughn finds the perfect balance of humour, intelligence, action, and violence to create a seemingly flawless British film that will have you gripping your sides from laughter and holding onto the edge of your seat in suspense. Kingsman is a must-see.