Home Opinion Editorial: “They” pronoun must be respected

Editorial: “They” pronoun must be respected


The use of “they” as a singular pronoun has become one of the most popular alternatives for those who do not feel they fit within the gender-binary of “he” or “she”. However, this use of “they” has come under scrutiny by some who claim it should not be used on the basis that it is grammatically incorrect.

It is more important to be respectful than grammatically correct when listening to personal wishes about how to be addressed. Those who identify as non-binary gender should not feel the need to choose a binary gender pronoun just because others do not want to change their use of the English language.

The issue isn’t about grammar as much as it is about education. Taking the time to shift the way you speak to someone can make a world of difference. Education and consideration are important when moving forward, as everyone has the right to feel comfortable and not be misgendered, especially when this is due to a lack of understanding.

The English language is constantly changing. If the age of texting has shown people anything, it is that we can mold language to suit our needs. That means the laws of grammar can be loosened to accept and take into account the personal feelings of all people, no matter their gender identity. It is people who make up this world, not the grammar books.