From dance groups practicing in the University Centre to art therapy sessions happening throughout the year, Carleton has a thriving arts scene. However, it is one that is unfortunately constrained by a lack of space.

With the ongoing Dominion-Chalmers Church acquisition, the school is on the right track to support the arts. But, it would be worthwhile to focus on developing space here on campus to provide students with accessible venues.

The Sock ‘n’ Buskin show, The Elephant Man, is currently happening off-campus in the Glebe, and earlier this term, a previous show, Rhinoceros, was hosted at the University of Ottawa’s Studio Léonard-Beauine Theatre.

It’s troubling when a significant student-run arts institution at Carleton has difficulty hosting productions on campus due to a lack of appropriate accessible spaces for the arts.

There were comments raised at December’s Board of Governors meeting that asked why Carleton was focusing on developing arts spaces off-campus rather than expanding on or developing what we have, and that is a conversation that is definitely worth having.

By providing more facilities for arts students at Carleton will provide better opportunities for getting invested in the arts scene on campus.