Photos by Paige Mueller.

This quick tutorial will give you an all natural remedy for dry skin this winter.

Beeswax has natural healing antibodies that will help to rejuvenate skin and make it smooth and help fight the winter wind and cold.

The ingredients can all be found at your local health food store but the best results are with wax fresh from the hive so look around for your local beekeeper if you really want to impress. You can also add essential oils for scent or extra healing properties. In my recipe, I added a coconut curry essential oil as well as Vitamin E to help heal scars and moisturize.

oFood18_4_PaigeMueller_(WEB)Ingredients & materials:

  • Beeswax
  • Coconut oil
  • Shea or cocoa butter
  • Essential oils (optional)
  • Medium sized pot
  • Kitchen scale
  • Wax or parchment paper
  • Some type of mould (like a candle or soap mould)


1) First things first, you have to weigh your ingredients. The recipe calls for one part coconut oil, one part shea or cocoa butter, two parts wax, and a few drops of essential oils if you choose to use them.oFood18_3_PaigeMueller_(WEB)

2) This means that you can vary the recipe depending on how much lotion you want to make but a regular batch is usually around 50 grams of the coconut oil and shea butter and 100 grams of wax. This will also vary depending on your mould size.

3) Once your ingredients are weighed, throw them all into a pot and set the temperature to low. It should take 10 to 15 minutes for the ingredients to melt down completely. The mixture should be free of chunks and transparent before you pour it into the mould.

4) Allow it to cool completely before removing it from the mould and cutting or shaping it however you like. Rub the lotion bar directly to dry skin regularly or give it away as a great homemade gift.

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