Home News CUSA Womyn’s Centre writes letter objecting to X-rated hypnotist

CUSA Womyn’s Centre writes letter objecting to X-rated hypnotist


A letter outlining concerns with an X-rated hypnotist show hosted by the Carleton University Students’ Association (CUSA) was drafted by the CUSA Womyn’s Centre on Jan. 24, the day before the show.

The letter expressed concern over homophobic and transphobic content in the 19-plus-only show by Tony Lee, which took place on Jan. 25, at Oliver’s Pub & Patio.

According to CUSA president Fahd Alhattab, Lee has performed his show at Carleton multiple times over the last 10 years.

“I can’t speak to [shows] outside of Carleton, however from our knowledge and what we’ve seen from the committment that we get from him and his team, is that there is no place for that on our campus, and he knows that and his team knows that,” Alhattab said.

Alhattab said CUSA contacted Lee immediately after hearing about the complaint.

“He said ‘well, here’s our content and here’s what we present and here’s what we do and you tell me if you want me to alter anything,’ ” Alhattab said. “He’s very willing to work with campuses to make sure that his shows are altered to fit the appropriate audience.”

Alhattab added that if there are jokes that oppose safe space on Carleton’s campus, Lee said he is willing to work with the association to address these issues.

The letter, which was also signed by the Graduate Students’ Association, the Gender Sexuality and Resource Centre, and the Human Rights Society, was later retracted after meetings with CUSA, according to Sydney Schneider, the Womyn’s Centre programming co-ordinator.

“There will be a revised version of the show and the intro will include a discussion on consent and consent to be a volunteer,” Schneider said in an email. “Boundaries have been discussed with the performer.”

– Photo by Trevor Swann