Photo by Zachary Novack.

The Spot, Carleton University Students’ Association’s (CUSA) new student life centre, opened its doors Oct. 1, replacing the former Travel CUTS office at 302 University Centre.

The Spot is offering Student Academic Success Centre (SASC) services three days a week and Co-op and Career services the remaining two days of the week.

The new service centre also provides the use of microwaves, a mini-fridge, a TV, both phone, and laptop charging stations to students, according to Adil Tahseen, CUSA vice-president (student services).

Printing services at five cents a page will also be up and running later in the week, he said.

“We’re just trying to make the service more accessible to students because a lot of the time you don’t have cash on your campus card or you need to put the minimum amount on,” Tahseen said.

The printer, he said, is being given to the service centre at no charge from the school administration after an agreement was made with CUSA.

According to Tahseen, most of The Spot’s furniture and appliances such as the fridge and TV were recycled materials from other CUSA spaces.

As for cost renovations, Tahseen said CUSA paid for a set-up fee of about $250 to $275 for Wi-Fi access and purchased office stationary, new charging stations, and paint for the space.

The Spot’s colour concept of purple and white was carefully chosen, Tahseen said.

“When we were designing the space itself we were looking at colour theory—what kind of mood it gives off,” he said. “We decided to look for something fresh, something exciting.”

“We went to every service centre and we saw a lot of service centres using greens, yellows. The one colour that hadn’t been used yet was purple.”

Dan Crich, a fourth-year political science student and a CUSA public affairs councillor, was using the space to work on some of his homework.

“It’s really cool, kind of an awesome place for people to just hang out,” he said.

The Spot is open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. from Monday to Friday.

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