The band name Hungry Animals holds a lot of meaning to its members.

To the band’s drummer, Carleton third-year journalism student Matt Couto, the name is a perfect combination of goofiness and catchiness, but would also leave people unsure of what to expect.

On the other hand, second-year industrial design student and vocalist Micah Rakoff-Bellman said their name reflects the idea of doing what they feel is right. He said a line in their song “Don’t Wait Up” explains Hungry Animals perfectly.

“It goes ‘I’ll feed hungry animals even though the signs instruct me not to,’” he said. “With our name Hungry Animals, we do what we feel is right regardless of the norms, and that’s kind of what we do with our music.”

Hungry Animals announced another meaning of their name before their first live performance at Café Dekcuf on March 16.

“We really, really, really love eating,” Rakoff-Bellman shouted to an enthusiastic audience. “Bring us some pizza, we’re so hungry!”

And with that, Hungry Animals began their set.

Along with some original songs like “Don’t Wait Up” and “Last Laugh,” the band also performed some covers like The Killers’ “All These Things I’ve Done” and “Fluorescent Adolescent” by Arctic Monkeys, much to audience members’ delight.

Hungry Animals interacted with the audience, which included Rakoff-Bellman’s grandparents, between and during songs. They even said the drummer would take his shirt off “if the crowd cheers really loud.”

Couto then took his shirt off.

“It embarrasses me, but I go through it because people enjoy it. I get naked for the fans,” Couto said.

Carleton student Ali Pester said she enjoyed the concert and how well Hungry Animals engaged with their crowd.

“For a first time that they were playing all together, I think they were really good at getting the crowd excited about their music,” Pester said. “I think in the future their songs are going to be even more successful.”

Concert-goer and bassist in Carleton band Little Stella Zach Ledgerwood said he was impressed with more than just the band’s music.

“I thought they were all very handsome,” he said. “I hope they do it again, I’ll be there.”

Hungry Animals’ next performance is scheduled for April 10, at, fittingly enough, a Chinese restaurant.

After the fans had left, the music had been turned down and the lights had been turned up, the band proved they were hungry for more than just pizza.

The group engaged in a post-performance bonding moment on stage, while one of the few people remaining in Café Dekcuf joked, “I guess they’re hungry for hugs, too.”