Ottawa’s Arts Court Foundation launched its new Summer Program on July 23 with the Ottawa debut of a quirky Canadian comedy. Sexy Laundry, written by Michele Riml, is a play that follows a middle-aged couple trying to grow together while remaining independent.

The comedy is set almost entirely in a hotel room where the couple, Alice and Henry, are staying, armed with a copy of Sex for Dummies in an attempt to reignite the passion in their marriage. For director Linda Balduzzi, who is also the executive director of the Arts Court Foundation, this play was an easy choice for the launch of the Summer Program.

“You know how when you read some things they’ll make you chuckle a bit?” she asked. “Well, this one actually made me laugh out loud. I could relate to it and it was funny.” Though advertised as a raunchy comedy, Laundry is a play that deals with a very real situation between two people who have to come to terms with the responsibilities and pitfalls of being in a  long-term relationship. This more sober side of the play offers a chance for the actors to exercise their dramatic skills.

“Behind most comedies there is something very dark,” said Balduzzi. She explained how the play’s actors brought their own insight to their roles as the rehearsals progressed from round-table discussions to full-on scene runthroughs. “There has been a lot of exploration, wherein each day we discovered new nuances about the characters,” she said. Kate Hurman and Ross Smith, playing Alice and Henry respectively, have been rehearsing for three weeks, during which time one of the two actors has had to handle some major adjustments.

Laundry marks Smith’s Ottawa debut. Visiting Ottawa from Vancouver, Smith was unexpectedly cast in the production and as a result decided to prolong his stay here. As for Hurman, she is an Ottawa native who has appeared in over 40 local productions and in shows across Canada.

“There’s a great chemistry between [them],” said Balduzzi. Laundry is part of a pilot project for 2009, presenting works right in the midst of tourist season, to encourage visitors to discover Ottawa’s arts scene. Sexy Laundry is playing from July 23 to Aug. 8 at the Arts Court Theatre on Nicholas Street.