Students received condoms that had been punctured by a staple. (Photo illustration by Willie Carroll)

An event promoted by the Fredericton Sexual Assault Crisis Center fell flat when students were told to throw out free condoms the centre gave out.

Ben Whitney, president of the University of New Brunswick Student Union said several students reported a package received from the Fredericton Sexual Assault Crisis Centre containing condoms had been punctured by a staple, holding the package together.

“They had a booth set up at one of our events and were giving away a small number of these condoms,” Whitney said.

Whitney said even though only a small number of the condoms were handed out, the student union reached out to students through the university’s email system and social media sites such as Facebook to notify them of the defective condoms.

Luke Robertson, vice-president (education) for the St. Thomas University Students’ Union, said several students from STU were also at the event and received the pierced condoms.

“We received an email from the Sexual Assault Crisis Centre, and they were informed that students who received the condoms should inspect them before use,” Robertson said. “We relayed the message to the university, and they contacted students through the appropriate channels,” he said.

Robertson said only a few of the condoms were damaged, but the damage was quite visible.

The Fredericton Sexual Assault Crisis Center declined to comment further on the matter.