Vampire Weekend
XL Recordings
Stars: 3/5
The sophomore release can be a daunting task for any band, and Vampire Weekend is no exception.
In fact, with its 2008 self-titled debut making the band a household name, this New York indie-pop quartet had their work cut out for them.
The result is Contra, a 10-track album which should satisfy fans but won't likely get the same kind of attention as their debut.
The band sounds like it’s playing it safe, but that hasn't stopped the group from expanding its sound. Mellower, almost ambient moments grace the record – and while that doesn't bring the album down it does mean less indie ass-shaking this time around.
On tracks like “Holiday” and “Cousins” we hear the peppy Vampire Weekend that we previously acquainted with, but on “Taxi Cab” and “I Think Ur a Contra,” the band floats through new soundscapes. Some tracks on this record need more time to grow on you than songs on Vampire Weekend, but are enjoyable nonetheless.
Contrais a commendable second album.
The band has affirmed their highly recognizable pop sound with this release while being where many groups produce uninspired sophomore records.
Vampire Weekend shows that it wants more than just its 15 minutes, and it's a convincing statement. While it's nothing groundbreaking, Contra is worth listening to for fans of the band.
If you're looking to get into them, stick with their debut.