Charlatan Live for April 8, 2014 – End of the strike, new policies, and...
On the final show of the year, Selin Kum and guest host Oliver Sachgau have updates on the campus safety workers' bargaining agreement and...
Charlatan Live for April 1, 2014 – Parliament rallies, preferred names, and the GSA...
On the second-last show of the year, co-hosts Chris O'Gorman and Selin Kum bring you the latest on a professor who says Carleton's exam...
Charlatan Live for March 25, 2014 – Information leak, Model UN, and WUSC
On this week's show, Selin Kum and Chris O'Gorman bring you the latest on CUPE 4600's information leak, why the Internet has been slow,...
Charlatan Live for March 18, 2014 – Safety strike, Dan Savage, and Vagina Monologues
On this week's CharlatanLive, Chris O'Gorman and guest host Oliver Sachgau discuss the ongoing safety patroller strike and why the Dan Savage speaking engagement...