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Life of Lux: A radical road to recovery

There’s something unusual about Ryan Lux. Maybe it’s that more than two years ago, he suddenly lost his ability to walk. Or that his paralysis led to ski bumming in B.C. that same winter. Or maybe it’s that he starts the whole story with a laugh and, “Oh, that happened a while ago!”
Lux, 21, and now a third-year journalism student at Carleton, tells his story like that of a good night out. 

Carleton Universities recent drama


In the past three weeks here at Carleton University, the undergraduate students have gone through a lot of drama especially when it comes to their student association. I personally find that there is an immense amount of miscommunication going around the school community, be it intentional or otherwise. This article is really in direct response to last week’s “Electoral Board’s uneasy slant against Bruce.” Within this there are many mistakes that I wish to clear up before any of the next steps are taken.

New CSES prez doesn’t represent all


RE: “New CSES prez targets eng image,” March 5-11

Dear Charlatan,

As an engineering student who is involved with the Carleton Student Engineering Society (CSES) I have several problems with the content of the article and more so with the statements made by the president-elect of the society, Nicole MacDonald.

Electoral board’s rulings are legit


Allie Elwell is the journalism councillor-elect for CUSA. She thinks Bruce Kyereh-Addo’s presidency disqualification should stand based on the rules in the electoral code


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