Failing newspapers a fearful fate
Claire Biddiscombe is a fourth-year journalism student. She thinks the recent downfall of media organizations is a threat to democracy ( Photo Provided )
Would you let a kid from a high school wood shop class build your house?
No. That’s a stupid idea.
The year of … who cares
Do you know what is special about today?
It’s not just March 26, 2009, but it’s also Make Your Own Holiday Day, as well as National Women’s History Month and the International Year of Astronomy. It was also recently National Bubble Week and Crochet Week.
With so many groups to raise awareness for and celebrate, are they all really getting the dedication they deserve?
Our condolences, York
Dear York University students,
It has come to our attention that Brittany Smyth, president of our student’s association here at Carleton, was sighted on your Keele campus.
Though her job description is to represent us as a student body, we did not send her to York on our behalf. It was as much of a surprise to us that she was there as it probably was to you.