Editorial: Plastic straw ban will affect students with disabilities
Banning plastic straws on campus may not seem like a bad idea, especially considering the potential positive effects on the environment, but society should...
Editorial: Modern docs show human side of documentary makers
Now, more than ever, modern day documentaries focus on the documentary maker. Like a journalist openly revealing their bias, the modern documentarian is not...
Editorial: Students’ coping mechanisms must not risk their health
The transition from life in high school to life in university is a big one. Suddenly when September rolls around, people are removed from...
Editorial: Student food insecurity is not simply a stereotype
According to a recent study conducted by professors at the University of Waterloo (U of W), Canadian university and college students are particularly vulnerable...
Editorial: Professors must pay attention to circulating clipboards
Recently, Carleton students have been approached by people in their classes asking them to pass around a clipboard containing a sign-up sheet soliciting for...