Editorial: Carleton must do better in informing students about pot
Recreational cannabis is now legal in Canada. However, before people light up, they need to be aware of the complex web of regulations which...
Editorial: Students must pay attention and vote in CFS referendum
It is crucial for students to pay attention to this year’s upcoming referendum on the continuation of the Carleton University Students’ Association’s (CUSA) membership...
Editorial: U Sports’ transgender policy a step in the right direction
On Sept. 26, U Sports announced it would implement a policy to allow student athletes to compete on sports teams that correspond to their...
Editorial: Carleton should cap international student tuition fees hike
With the steady increase of international student enrolment as shown from this year’s enrolment numbers, Carleton University should work towards capping international student tuition...
Editorial: Big “R” mascot at Panda game was confusing
Among life’s greatest unanswered questions: what came first, the chicken or the egg? Why does a round pizza come in a square box, but...