‘Here for a good time, not a long time’: RRRA ousts VP programming
Carleton University’s Rideau River Residence Association (RRRA) council passed a motion Tuesday to impeach its current vice-president (VP) programming.
The move, which removes third-year finance...
Low voter turnout sparks CUSA reflection
Carleton students and leaders were disappointed when, for the second year in a row, voter turnout in the Carleton University Students’ Association’s (CUSA) general...
March BoG meeting provides updates on new residence, ancillary services
Editor’s note: Due to Board of Governors protocols, which forbid all participants from recording any portion of public meetings, direct quotes from meeting participants...
BREAKING: Mohamed “Faris” Riazudden elected CUSA president, referendums annulled due to low turnout
Mohamed “Faris” Riazudden, current vice-president (student issues) of the Carleton University Students’ Association (CUSA), has been elected president. Only 13.4 per cent of undergraduate...
BoG student representatives acclaimed due to little interest
Carleton University’s Board of Governors (BoG) has found its four new student representatives for the next academic year.
Only two undergraduate students and two graduate...