Students face highest-possible tuition increases
The operating budget for this academic year received far less than a seal of approval from Carleton University Students’ Association (CUSA) and attending students when the Board of Governors approved it on April 23.
Of the 32 board members, only four opposed the budget, including three students. Many students who were present and members of CUSA who stood at the back of the Senate Room cried out “shame” throughout the budget presentation, which included notable increases in tuition costs.
Ontario hands out $2.8 million to Carleton
The McGuinty government’s announcement to give $150 million in immediate, one-time support to Ontario universities and colleges is a much-appreciated effort given the current state of the economy, said Carleton University president Dr. Roseann Runte.
“We are deeply grateful for the money that was given by the government,” said Runte.