Carleton prepares for H1N1 to be ‘pandemic prepared’
At the request of the Public Health Agency of Canada, Carleton University is preparing itself to deal as best they can with an H1N1 outbreak, should one occur this school year.
Preventing and minimizing the spread of influenza are presently the top priorities of the Carleton University Pandemic Influenza Response Plan released Sept. 1.
Transit committee votes to revisit bus pass age limit
The City of Ottawa transit committee voted unanimously to support a motion asking city council to reverse its decision on an age limit for student bus passes at a meeting Sept. 1.
At an earlier city council meeting in December council voted to cap the age for the student bus discount at 27. The decision came into effect July 1, and now requires students over the age of 27 to pay the adult price for a bus pass.
The cap will cost older students about $220 more per year and will bring in an estimated $220,000 of annual revenue for the city.