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New School for African Studies

New to Carleton this year is the Institute of African Studies, offering courses that bring together issues of African history, politics literatures, media, societies, and other topics. Carleton is the only Canadian university to have an Institute of African Studies offering a degree.

“[The program] is helping to mobilize the growing expertise in Africa at Carleton and the growing interest in the national culture,” said Blair Rutherford, the director of the Institute of African Studies.

Carleton centre offers EU ‘civil society’ exchanges

This year Carleton’s Centre for Voluntary Sector Research and Development (CVSRD), which provides exchange opportunities focused on social development and civil society, will be offering student exchanges to the European Union (EU) for the first time.

Exchanges are now offered in Italy, Germany and the United Kingdom, in addition to those previously offered to Mexico and the United States.

Students start petition to leave CFS

A group of Carleton students, organized by fourth-year journalism student Dean Tester, is petitioning to remove Carleton University Students’ Association (CUSA) from membership in the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS), according to a statement it released Sept. 9.

The aim of the CFS, formed at Carleton in 1981, is to represent the collective interest of students by joining student unions from various universities and colleges across Canada.

Carleton assembles financial taskforce

Amidst growing unrest about an unclear economic future, Carleton has started a new task force on financial resources seeking student and faculty feedback for innovative ways to cut costs and boost revenues.

While maintaining the school in the short run will be on firm financial footing, the administration noted a list of thorny economic issues on the horizon that require urgent and unconventional thinking.

However,  it said there will be no budgetary cuts during the new school year

Rewiring residence



Renfrew residents will be challenged to reduce their electricity consumption in a new pilot project called Rewire ( Photo: Lasia Kretzel )


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