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Oct. 19-24: Africa week at Carleton

To commemorate its ties with Africa and help launch the new Institute of African Studies, Carleton hosted African events and activities from Oct. 19-24.

Monday: Groups set up display tables showcasing Carleton’s and Canada’s ties with the African community, both at home and abroad. The Carleton music department’s West African rhythm group gave students a musical taste of African culture with a performance in the Unicentre’s Galleria.

Screening the invisible

Saren Oliver, Bit Kernodle and the rest of the Invisible Children team are on a mission: to spread the word about Uganda’s child soldiers and their solution to the problem across Canada.
They are on a cross-country tour speaking at schools, churches and community centres about the issue, and their bill in the United States congress calling for the arrest and detainment of Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) leader Joseph Kony.

Ontario tuition fees highest in Canada

Ontario students are now forking over more money for post-secondary education than students in any other province, according to a Statistics Canada report released Oct. 20.

Manly talk tackles relationship violence

Michael Kauffman asked the students at his workshop to finish the sentence “A real man is . . . ” without censoring themselves. Answers ranged from “rich” to “never wrong” to “a beer-drinking meat eater.”


Kauffman wrote all of the answers down and drew a box around them. He told the students that society expects men to fit into this “box” no matter how unrealistic it is.

Your next VJ?


Carleton's Cody Dobie is vying to be a Much Music VJ (Photo: Dylan Albon)


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