Oct. 19-24: Africa week at Carleton
To commemorate its ties with Africa and help launch the new Institute of African Studies, Carleton hosted African events and activities from Oct. 19-24.
Monday: Groups set up display tables showcasing Carleton’s and Canada’s ties with the African community, both at home and abroad. The Carleton music department’s West African rhythm group gave students a musical taste of African culture with a performance in the Unicentre’s Galleria.
Screening the invisible
Ontario tuition fees highest in Canada
Ontario students are now forking over more money for post-secondary education than students in any other province, according to a Statistics Canada report released Oct. 20.
Manly talk tackles relationship violence
Michael Kauffman asked the students at his workshop to finish the sentence “A real man is . . . ” without censoring themselves. Answers ranged from “rich” to “never wrong” to “a beer-drinking meat eater.”
Kauffman wrote all of the answers down and drew a box around them. He told the students that society expects men to fit into this “box” no matter how unrealistic it is.