Climate activism tool aims to ‘bury’ climate change deniers
Just in time for the federal election, Protect Our Winters Canada (POWC) has created an online tool to combat climate change deniers on Twitter.
2019 federal election: youth voting for issues they care about
With the climate strike behind us and climate change ahead of us, the 2019 federal election is gaining momentum ahead of election day on...
McGill launches $2-billion funding campaign
McGill University launched their fundraising campaign ‘Made by McGill: the Campaign for Our Third Century’ on Sept. 26 in anticipation of the school’s 200th...
Student candidates running in 2019 federal election
As Canadians take to the polls on Oct. 21, among them will be students, not only there as voters but as candidates themselves. This...
EDITOR’S NOTE: Addressing changes made to article “OPT OUT OF THE CFS,” URGE JEWISH...
This letter serves to address the reasons behind the corrections that were made to the following article, "'OPT OUT OF THE CFS,' URGE JEWISH...