Young traveller needed
In a new contest, the owner of a small fictional country is looking to send one Canadian on an all-expense paid trip to France, and he is holding a contest to see who is most deserving.
According to the country website, in 1997 William Barnaby founded Hoöstelland, a fictional country made up of four islands in the Atlantic Ocean. According to the website, Barnaby inspired by his own time spent in youth hostels and looking to rid them of their negative stereotypes, Barnaby now wants to send an ambassador from Ontario or Quebec to France for three weeks.
Room service! U of C gets campus hotel
The University of Calgary has opened a hotel on campus to help cut the cost of hosting guests of the university off-campus and to act as a hands-on training experience for students enrolled in the hotel and resort management program.
The Hotel Alma, housed in U of C’s new Dr. Fok Ying Tung International House, is one of the first on-campus, university-owned and operated hotels in Canada. The building also houses several floors that act as dedicated residence facilities for students.