McMaster TAs and research assistants on strike
On Nov. 2, more than 2,500 teaching and research assistants at McMaster University went on strike after negotiations broke down Oct. 31.
Andrea Farquhar, director of public and government relations at Mac, said classes are continuing and the university remains open though some labs and tutorials are cancelled.
“It is important to [understand the university is still open], because people may have an assumption that because York closed during its strike [we would close],” she said.
Three elections, no result
Now two months into the school year, Mount Allison University still does not have a student council president. Students of the small New Brunswick institution are being drawn into yet another election after three rounds of voting have failed to produce a winner who wants the job.
The trouble started when Paul Rasbach, winner of the first election last spring resigned suddenly in April for personal reasons.
Olympic torch passes through UVic
The Olympic torch began its journey through Canada Oct. 30 and made its way through the University of Victoria campus the same day, as students and community members gathered to witness its passing.
The torch arrived on campus around 5:30 p.m. where people had gathered to meet past and present UVic athletes.
Mike Tucker, athletic communications officer at UVic, said there was a strong student response.
Young traveller needed
In a new contest, the owner of a small fictional country is looking to send one Canadian on an all-expense paid trip to France, and he is holding a contest to see who is most deserving.
According to the country website, in 1997 William Barnaby founded Hoöstelland, a fictional country made up of four islands in the Atlantic Ocean. According to the website, Barnaby inspired by his own time spent in youth hostels and looking to rid them of their negative stereotypes, Barnaby now wants to send an ambassador from Ontario or Quebec to France for three weeks.