University of Waterloo lifts mask mandate for second time, community at odds
A recent departure from the University of Waterloo’s reinstated mask mandate has brought COVID-19 back to the forefront of the school’s public health debate...
Students want mayor to make Ottawa more affordable, transit-reliable amid rising living costs
As Ottawa Mayor Mark Sutcliffe settles into term, Carleton University students hope the city can become more affordable and provide more reliable public transit...
Canadian researchers dig for the deeper meaning of a traditional Métis dance
University of Lethbridge and Memorial University of Newfoundland researchers have partnered to create the Red River Jig (RRJ) Network, which investigates the historical and...
UPEI students look to improve weather emergency preparedness after Hurricane Fiona
Two months after Hurricane Fiona swept Charlottetown, student leaders at the University of Prince Edward Island (UPEI) are thinking ahead to how their community...
Book by University of Calgary psychologist highlights how nutrition betters mental health
A book co-authored by University of Calgary (U of C) psychologist Dr. Bonnie Kaplan aims to shift Canadians’ understanding of mental health by highlighting...