Nipissing University facing backlash over Mike Harris honorary doctorate
Nipissing University is facing backlash for bestowing an honorary doctorate on former Ontario premier Mike Harris.
Mandatory retirement policy overturned at UPEI
Three former faculty members at the University of Prince Edward Island will get their jobs back after the province's human rights commission ordered the university to axe a policy requiring faculty to retire at age 65.
Earlier this year, the commission ruled the policy was discriminatory and has recently issued a $1 million order to the university regarding damages, remedies and costs.
Undergraduate students poorly informed about financial aid: Report
A large number of Canadian undergraduate students misunderstand the government financial aid system, partly because of inadequate information sources, according to a report commissioned by student associations across the country.
The report, entitled “The Illiteracy of the Literate: The Lack of Financial Aid Knowledge among Canadian University Students,” concluded students were “very poorly informed” about the details of financial aid.
Study law with a Chinese perspective
Aspiring lawyers now have the opportunity to study law with a Chinese perspective thanks to a new program offered by the University of Sherbrooke in collaboration with the Confucius Institute of Quebec.
Nunuvut Law School denied program funding
The only law school in the North is searching for alternative sources of funding after Nunavut’s minister of justice denied the program funding worth 70 per cent of its core budget in a letter dated May 31.